Saturday, February 7, 2009

Detox Your Inbox TODAY!

I did something pretty cool today - matter of fact, just now.

I went through my in box and UNSUBSCRIBED from a bunch of lists I have been on. I UNSUBSCRIBED because they were serving me no purpose and to be honest, sometimes I allowed myself to totally get side-tracked by “things” that had nothing to do with where I am headed right now.

This is a huge trap most internet marketers fall into - both newbies and experienced marketers.

I recently took the advice of one of my mentors and this is what she said….(paraphrased) ….

Find a mentor and really plug into them. Don’t just buy into them for a short period of time - but really follow them through until you have reached the achieved goal. Get rid of all the mess in your email box and UNSUBSCRIBE from GURUS who you
know you aren’t reading and following anyway…


This was really helpful to me because it is so easy to think you are doing yourself a favor by ‘being in the know’ of what all the big guys and gals are doing, but in reality it can turn into information or GURU overload, MASSIVE CONFUSION and allowing you to get severely side-tracked. When people are confused - they do

“Un-confuse” yourself today! Figure out what you want to do, who you want to plug into and learn from …and then commit to going ALL THE WAY FORWARD!

This is what I have done because I have some REALLY BIG plans ahead and LASER FOCUS was the only way I could make sure I get things done.

If I can help you, please let me know! I really encourage you to find someone to help you - don’t try to go at it alone! ; D

Make a commitment to UNPLUG from all the lists that are not contributing to your success…

Wisdom of a Mentor

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