Thursday, August 6, 2009

ReGenesis2x2 Shuts Down and Trading Places

For those who aren't familiar with ReGenesis 2x2, it is a 2x2 recycling matrix that promotes an Automatic Recruiting System or ARS. The ARS is suppose to help sponsor people into your matrix to help you cycle and supposedly even passive members may cycle from just the aid of the ARS. However, with an exponential growth of members, the company and its ARS could no longer keep up with the demand to provide 2 for each person that joins the opportunity. I suppose this is the fallacy of a 2x2 matrix, where as more people join, the global matrix becomes wider. It appears that most people who make money from this 2x2 system are the ones that got in at the beginning of its launch. To not get into too many details and keep this short, ReGenesis 2x2 is no more and has moved on to become Trading Places 2x2. Do not fall into the trap of a program like this as I have. The concept of ReGenesis 2x2 and Trading Places 2x2 are the same with some of the executive leaders such as Myno (Tayloe) and Bryan (Jacobs) from ReGenesis having migrated to this new program. ReGenesis 2x2 has literally Traded Places - hence Trading Places 2x2. With both companies you do not pay by credit card so if an issue arises you don't have the option for filing a chargeback. Many people appear to be filing complaints with the BBB and FTC in regards to ReGenesis not having met the services that were promoted and to have used deceptive marketing tactics. Some people have even gotten their money back from taking this avenue. One thing for sure is that ReGenesis is currently under investigation with the Secret Services having raided their headquarters.

What I have learned from this experience is to look for a company that provides a solid if not innovative product. It should be a product that I am personally interested in and see myself using regardless of whether there is a business opportunity attached to it. Also, I will look to see where the company stands with the BBB before deciding to join.

Lessons learned and Wisdom followed. You can't change what has past, but you can make sure you never make the same mistake again.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Revolutionize Your Health - Chews4Health

What sets Chews4Health apart from other nutritional products?
It comes in a Chewable form which allows for FASTER and HIGHER absorption than the liquid or pill form.

It is a blend of 16 ingredients from 4 different categories:
1. Super Antioxidants
2. Fruit Concentrates
3. Sea Vegetables
4. Super Fruits

It is convenient. No need to lug around a bottle of liquid or a bucket of powder.

Who is behind the company?
Dr. David Friedman (CEO and Product Formulator)
-- "The Chiropractor to the Stars"
-- Author of "America's Unbalanced Diet"
-- Health and Nutrition Expert of The Balancing Act on Lifetime TV

What about the quality of the product?
It has earned a GMP "A" rating from the National Nutritional Foods Association

Any Guarantees?
60 Day Unconditional Money Back

What about the Business?
Get Paid 5 Ways
1. Retail Profit Bonus
2. Fast Start Bonus
3. "Two Infinity" Team Bonus System
4. Duplication
5. Matching "Two Infinity" Bonus

What Else?
Chews4Health National Coop Marketing Program helps you expand your business.

Optimizing Your Health and Wealth Can Start Here with Chews4Health

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

UPlus2Riches - Worth the Investment


This program was created by the very successful owners of 4x1 Fortune, who brought in over 8000 members in about a month. I suggest you get in now on the ground floor.

(1X2 Matrix - Just need 2 for fast cycling with 100% match bonus)

Here are the details for the program:

How it Works

There are 3 UPlus 2 Matrices in 1 Program. All income examples above are based on the Mega Cash - Phase III Matrix.

Everyone comes in at the first level matrix at just $35, and can either cycle to the higher matrices spending just $35 One-Time Only or Buy In to the 2 Higher Phase Matrices. Brilliant !!

The Levels breakdown:

Baby Steps - Phase I - $35 Entry, pays $12.50 per cycle, 100% Matching Bonus

Fast Cash - Phase II - $75 Entry, pays $25 per cycle, 100% Matching Bonus

Mega Cash - Phase III - $145 Entry, pays $50 per cycle, 100% Matching Bonus

We pay on Every 1 x 2 completed cycle (some companies will play money games and pay on the first member of your 1 x 2, but this is condusive to "lazy cycle syndrome" or fool's gold, where the average member is trained to come on board and stall out at just 1 sponsored and never realize the true power behind cyclers (to cycle over and over again). What good is a cycler if you only get part of your money back?

Plus, we have an amazing 100% Matching Bonus that can Explode your Cash Fast. That's The Real Secret !! Are you kiddin' me? We are talking a 100% Match on every person you introduce, they cycle, you get paid. You cycle, you get paid. That's The Secret to Mega Cash.

You Have Options

Let's say you can only afford to come in at the Baby Steps Phase. You enter with just $35 one-time only, and can cycle 4 times and get paid 4 times (plus, you earn 100% Matching Bonuses on personals first 4 cycles). The 5th - 7th cycle commissions are used to push you into a paid position in the Fast Cash - Phase II where you can now earn $25 per cycle and a 100% Match on personals cycles (you continue to cycle in the Baby Steps Phase and continue to receive 100% Matches, too).

Got buying power and a desire to make more money right out of the gate? You can opt to purchase either the Fast Cash - Phase II or the Mega Cash - Phase III at $75 and $145 - paying $25 and $50 plus a 100% Match respectively - per Fast 1 x 2 cycle. When you purchase a higher Phase matrix, our software will remove the 5th - 7th cycle "push you to the next phase" requirement from the direct lower level matrix.

Click Here for UPlus2Riches

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Darren Gaudry and Commission Robot

Darren Gaudry and his team have put forth a system called Commission Robot, which is suppose to automate affiliate marketing with Clickbank and PPC. This is the second month I have been in the system and with about 300 clicks since I joined, I have not seen any sales yet. I understand that new programs may have bugs and also may require some time initally to work them out, but over a month and half now and no sales makes me suspicious. The second month, Darren was to implement a lead capture system to enhance the productivity of the system; however, this too has shown no results. Darren Gaudry nor the Robot Team is providing regular updates and support has just passed some of my questions along to the higher level staff, but I have not received any adequate response since I sent the email 15 days ago. CR is not a program I would recommend, not that you can join anyways, since doors to the program have long since been closed. However, if you are currently a member of Commission Robot and have decided to discontinue your membership, it may be possible for you to receive a refund.

For more information about Commission Robot(CR) visit

Monday, May 18, 2009

Gateway2Hits to Your Website

This is a way to Earn and Advertise a website.

You are able to Advertise one site/program of your choosing (block ad)when you have upgraded to a member. You can choose to change the site to another when you want; it is not fixed.

Earn through a 3x10 Forced Matrix (Spillover Can Occur)

Earn $10 for directly sponsoring a new member who upgrades.

Earn $1 from your downline organization.
(Over 88,000 positions)

Income you earn from our unique re-entry system

Coop Advertising is optional. If joined, the company will advertise your Gateway2Hits site for you.

Click Here for Gateway2Hits

Friday, May 8, 2009

$11 Fortune

My Zimbio
KudoSurf Me!
4x1 Fortune is a 2x2 recycling matrix with matching bonuses.

Here's how it works:

There are 4 Fortune Matrices in 1 Program, hence 4x1 Fortune.

You come in at the first level matrix at just $11, and cycle to the higher matrices spending just $11 One-Time Only. Brilliant !!

The Levels breakdown:

Bronze Level - $11 Entry, pays $33 per cycle and $11 Matching Bonus

Silver Level - $40 Entry, pays $120 per cycle and $40 Matching Bonus

Gold Level - $100 Entry, pays $300 per cycle and $100 Matching Bonus

Platinum Level - $200 Entry, pays $600 per cycle and $200 Matching Bonus

We pay on your First cycle to put you into The Money. Your second cycle is used to push you into the Next Higher Level Matrix (Zero out of pocket to you). This process continues until you make it to The Platinum Level, where you can continue to cycle at The Platinum Level and All levels below forever.

Your Second Cycle ONLY at each level except The Platinum Level, upgrades you to the next higher matrix. After the second cycle in these matrices, you will continue to cycle in each, getting you paid in each matrix.

Every 4th cycle on Each Level is used to fund and offset the "over-loaded" payouts and Matching Bonuses in all Matrices. We pay based on all 6 postions, not the typical bottom four, which means a lot more to your bottom line. On The Platinum Level, the 2nd cycle only, and Every 4th cycle is used to offset.

Matching Bonus - based on each cycle of your personally sponsored for the respective matrix and is paid on Every cycle except the second cycle used to push you into the next higher matrix and every 4th cycle used for "over-load" offset.

You have to put forth a little effort to start earning income. Just introduce a few friends to us at just $11, and earn money as soon as you complete your matrix or they complete their matrix.

It is highly likely, you will receive spillover from your upline, spillunder from those you bring in, etc. but, should NOT wait for this to happen. Remember those Huge Matching Bonuses for personally sponsoring. Get busy and the rewards are staggering.

Use the PIF (Pay-It-Forward) principle and benefactor 3 members at just $33 and teach them to do the same. Their and your income will explode beyond your wildest imagination. All by helping others get what they want.

It's affordable to do this as you get all of your money back immediately - upon your first cycle! Plus, you give yourself an instant raise as you get matching bonuses when they cycle. It's a Powerful, Powerful Thing. Get your arms around this.

Click Here for 4x1 Fortune

Alertpay is the payment processor Click Here

Thursday, April 23, 2009

EZ 2x2 $7

EZ 2x2 is 2x2 cycler that leverages a one time $7 fee to hundreds of dollars. Each cycle pays out $20 and the company automatically enters you into a second forced matrix program for free called set2retire after your first cycle which will allow you to be paid more alongside your 2x2 cycles.

The back office has a downline builder which will allow you to share other programs you are involved in with those who join you in EZ 2x2.

Considering this program is a one time $7 fee and the payout is so much more, I feel that this is definitely worth the investment!

To learn more about EZ 2x2 Click Here

To see the set2retire comp plan Click Here

Alertpay is the payment processor Click Here

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pulsating Matrix / Message Magic

What Grant Andrews has designed is a neat little program called Message Magic that allows the user to contact multiple skype users based on interests and location. This product is given out to an individual who joins the pulsating matrix program.

The pulsating matrix is interesting because it consists of different phases that switch on a daily basis allowing members to earn in various ways. It is not just your traditional forced matrix where the guy at the top has the biggest slice of the pie. However, I see this program as helping to produce some good residual income, but I doubt you can make a living off of it. To be a member in the pulsating matrix and receive the product, the member pays $15 per month. I would say it is a good deal if the user is willing to learn how to use message magic and take advantage of the features.

If you are a passive member in this program, it is said that you may have to wait up to 3-4 months to see any earnings. Therefore, I would not recommend this program to passive members. You're better off looking elsewhere.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tiny MLM Checks

I had an epiphany looking back to some of the programs I was in. Programs that pay you $1 per referral and were $6-$15 per month to have an active status. I realized that these programs aren't as effective as they are promoted to be. They highlight the fact that with a filled matrix you can earn $10,000 or $35,000+ per month. There are these 5X6 or 3X8 Forced Matrices (or other similar in nature). They also highlight and stress teamwork in these programs. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about teamwork, but I feel that it is best to have an involved team in a program that also has a good compensation plan. You can help your team members in these forced matrix programs but you wouldn't be using your time effectively.

I suppose forced matrix programs like those above are appealing because of a very low startup cost. Plus, some think that because of spillover they won't have to put in any work, but they come to find that this is not the case. With each level in the matrix, it is harder to receive spillover.

I have yet to see someone involved in a forced matrix earning $15,000 or for that matter $10,000+. Even the top guys I see in those programs aren't making near the full potential of the matrix. And who knows, maybe the program will shut down for one reason or another before members have a chance to build up their income level to 5 figures in such a long period of time that is required.

Another reason is that income maybe be erratic with these forced matrices. A fair number of people see the low investment and the chance of great spillover and decide to join even though they don't know how to market. Then they come to find that they aren't receiving much spillover and decide to cancel their subscription to the program, cutting down your downline and thus the money in your pocket.

In the end, you still have to know how to market to be successful.

Funny thing is this kind of ties in with the Coffee House Letter I read a couple of months back but didn't think much of it. Recently, I received an email with the Coffee House Letter and I suddenly had my epiphany. learn by experience I suppose.

However, I will say that these forced matrix programs are potentially a good way to network with a lot of people and build a sizable list. But shh..don't tell anyone I told you that = D

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

PushbuttonXtreme: Word of Caution

Don't get me wrong, PushbuttonXtreme is a good system with a dynamic matrix and profit sharing system but I want to caution those who have read about how the matrix will allow you to cycle UP TO 5 times a week w/o sponsoring anyone and thus receiving $495/wk or $1,980 per month. Ideally, if you cycle this number of times you will get paid as mentioned. Truth is, you will never cycle 5 times a week or 5 times a month without sponsoring anyone. The most you will cycle in one month without sponsoring is once, maybe twice if you're lucky. Just note this before you join and when reading their sales page.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I have to say I can't recommend people signing up with which is a company that provides marketing training. Their customer support is horrible and the sales person will make promises that can't be met. Furthermore, requesting a refund is not an easy process as it has been 14 days and I am still waiting to receive mine. If you come across a phone call by Mike Coplin of pushtraffic, do not trust this guy. Do yourself a favor and save your money.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Does Spin Success Work? By Honest Product Reviews

So how’d it go?

About an hour after I plunked down my $29.95, I got an email from Spin Success, saying that my website had been “hand submitted” to 15 of the largest search engines, and that the autosubmission process for the other 29,985 99,985 engines had begun.
Then… nothing. No reports, no statistics… not a damned thing until my “we just charged you for your monthly renewal” email.
And my traffic? It did indeed change -it went down. Worst month in two years. Now I’m not blaming Spin Success for the reduction in traffic, but that’s not what you want to see when you’re shelling out cash to a website submission service.
Interestingly, the members portion of the website contains a discussion forum, where people tend to kvetch about how Spin Success hasn’t done a blasted thing for their traffic, and the moderators keep repeating the mantra, “Give it time. Just stay with Spin Success for several months, and you’ll start seeing the traffic roll in.”
And canceling your Spin Success subscription is about as easy as convincing Experian to remove a negative item from your credit report. In other words, you’ll spend a lot of time trying to get it done, and you should consider yourself damned lucky if it ever happens.

Click Here for a Full Review

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Detox Your Inbox TODAY!

I did something pretty cool today - matter of fact, just now.

I went through my in box and UNSUBSCRIBED from a bunch of lists I have been on. I UNSUBSCRIBED because they were serving me no purpose and to be honest, sometimes I allowed myself to totally get side-tracked by “things” that had nothing to do with where I am headed right now.

This is a huge trap most internet marketers fall into - both newbies and experienced marketers.

I recently took the advice of one of my mentors and this is what she said….(paraphrased) ….

Find a mentor and really plug into them. Don’t just buy into them for a short period of time - but really follow them through until you have reached the achieved goal. Get rid of all the mess in your email box and UNSUBSCRIBE from GURUS who you
know you aren’t reading and following anyway…


This was really helpful to me because it is so easy to think you are doing yourself a favor by ‘being in the know’ of what all the big guys and gals are doing, but in reality it can turn into information or GURU overload, MASSIVE CONFUSION and allowing you to get severely side-tracked. When people are confused - they do

“Un-confuse” yourself today! Figure out what you want to do, who you want to plug into and learn from …and then commit to going ALL THE WAY FORWARD!

This is what I have done because I have some REALLY BIG plans ahead and LASER FOCUS was the only way I could make sure I get things done.

If I can help you, please let me know! I really encourage you to find someone to help you - don’t try to go at it alone! ; D

Make a commitment to UNPLUG from all the lists that are not contributing to your success…

Wisdom of a Mentor

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Reminder Against the Salespage Hype

I Almost Bought Commission Blueprint

I decided not to buy Commission Blueprint. I was almost seduced by dreams of making money with Adwords. I’m glad I saved my $297 $77.

So what’s my malfunction? When I evaluate whether or not I want to buy Internet Marketing products I do some rudimentary research to get a feel for the item. Something this new is tough to evaluate because all the gurus are pimping it and you really can’t get an honest review of it. We get the emails and they talk about how great the product is and offer extra bonuses to buy it, but you never get a sense of whether they actually used it before they tried to sell it to you. I’ve never had one email from a guru that said he used such and such and made $XXXX before trying to get me to buy it.

I initially do a web search on the product name. I don’t like seeing page after page of people selling the product. I get nervous about spending money if I see tons of Adwords ads promoting it too. I don’t like seeing a lot of hype. I don’t like seeing all the gurus and wannabe gurus trying to jump on the pimp wagon. It turns me off and definitely prevents me from clicking the buy button.

So you go out to the web and look for “Commission Blueprint reviews” and you come upon page after page of bullshit Squidoo Lens, Hubpages and domain name ripoff review sites that pretty much say nothing but rewrite the product’s salespage. You know, the same shit that gurus tell you to do to sell niche products. There is never a true review. Why? Because it’s too new. Nobody has used it long enough to know if it really works. Everybody is too intent on selling it.

If the damn thing was so great, don’t you think that the gurus would be working the program first instead of trying to make a few grand pimping? The product says it has made a half a million so far this year on one product. If it’s so badass why bother being an affiliate marketer? Just work the Blueprint. But no one knows if it works because they are too busy getting you to buy it.

The salespage says that you have to buy now or risk the price going up to $297. If the product actually works as it says it can, then why the hell would I care about spending $297? If it can teach me to earn four figures each day, why would I care about saving a couple of Benjamins? I figure if it’s so awesome people will start bragging about all the money they collected from using the system. Personally I’ve never heard anybody rave about any “make money online” course or ebook. Like real people. Not fake reviews or guru salespitches. Real people in forums or posting on blogs. I’ve got enough friends in this racket that would write or call and say “Dude you have to try this product. I am (or know someone) raking in the dough.” That has never happened. So I risk maybe they stop selling it to X number of people. Oh well, guess I’ll have missed an opportunity because I was too jaded. I’ll take the chance.

The thing that really pisses me off on the salespage is always the testimonials. They are always complimentary. But fake. I want to read testimonials that {honestly} say, “Awesome product. I made $751 from Aug 1-17 since you gave me a copy for evaluation.” I do not want to read crap like “You’re the best. Great product. The information is perfect for newbies.” That is no help.

I used to buy stuff and try it out and was never scared to ask for a refund. I don’t even bother anymore. I don’t believe anything that I read on salespages. Every single one is a hard sale. Think about the difference in a typical ad like from Best Buy and a landing page for some info product. It’s embarrassing. It’s embarrassing that I’ve been sucked into the bullshit. It’s embarrassing that the products require this level of marketing. It’s pathetic.

If you do decide to buy it, just click away from the page. A fake “agent” will stop you and offer you another $10 off the product. You know, the thing that pops up and makes you think you are “chatting” with a real person. More bullshit.

I can’t say whether or not this Commission Blueprint is any good because I have not tried it. I’m not suggesting anywhere in this post that the product does or does not do what it says it will. Maybe this is the one that will make each one who buys it, and puts the method into action, extremely wealthy. Awesome. I’m simply writing a post explaining what goes into my thinking when hyped up products like this enter my email and whether I buy or not. More times these days, not.
